Hoje estou particularmente sem inspiração no que toca a escrever um novo post... acho que o mais interessante que soube hoje (obrigado Ed!) é a notícia que vem na Nature sobre a clonagem de um cão por um grupo na Coreia do Sul. O bicho chama-se "Snuppy" (Seoul National University puppy) e é apresentado com o "pai" na fotografia. Acrescente-se que é o resistente de 1095 embriões clonados introduzidos em 123 cadelas, a chegar a uma "puppyhood" saudável, como lhe chamam... :)
Today I'm not particularly inspired just to write a post... I think the most interesting thing I learned today (thanks Ed!) is the cloning of a dog by a group in South Korea, reported by a Nature paper . The animal is called "Snuppy" (Seoul National University puppy) and is presented with his "father" in the picture. It should be added that he is the resistant representative of 1,095 cloned embryos implanted in 123 dogs to achieve healthy puppyhood, as they call it…
2 comentários:
Thank you for including me here on your blog among the goats and other items. I can't believe the attention I've been getting--especially when you consider that all I had to be was be born. It's remarkable to be the object of such wonder when I was a mere passive agent. This whole living thing is going to be a cinch.
Keep well and wish me luck: if I should do anything strange like bark or lose my ability to type, please inform the scientists at Seol National University that their damn cloning experiment is screwing up my life.
That name sounds like his ears were lopped off in a bad lab accident.
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