sábado, dezembro 31, 2005

Christmas food – part V

And finally, a small overview to some of the other deserts ;)
By the way, I want to wish all “Quichas” bloggers and readers, a sweet :);) and great 2006!!!

Christmas food – part IV

This one is called "Rabanadas" or "Fatias Douradas", which I can translate as "Golden Slices" :)))
It’s made from bread slices, which are imbibed in milk (that was warmed with a lemon slice and a cinnamon stick), passed through eggs and fried. Then they’re covered with a little bit of sugar and cinnamon powder. One can add a kind of syrup as well, made with honey, Oporto wine and other things.

Christmas food – part III

And finally, the deserts. In a blog that very often dedicated its posts to food, I can’t think of a better way to end this year than with some “sweet” pictures :))). So, this first one has an example of the typical fried Christmas deserts. This in particular can more or less be translated as “Dreams”, because they’re some what fluffy... :):);)

sexta-feira, dezembro 30, 2005

Christmas food – part II

So, after the cod, usually we have some kind of meat, later on. This year, the pork stuffed with dried plumbs was the elected ;)

quarta-feira, dezembro 28, 2005

Christmas food – part I

As I promised to some of you, I did a “photo documentary“of our Christmas food in order to illustrate some of the typical Portuguese dishes of this season. I couldn’t but start this new section in “Quichas e Afins” with the main course that you’ll find in the majority of the Portuguese homes on Christmas Eve: codfish with vegetables.

quarta-feira, dezembro 21, 2005

Today we had the Institutes’ Christmas lunch and this was what I got as a gift... :))
You can take a look at some pictures on: http://www.flickr.com/photos/catarinamoita/tags/immxmaslunch/
As you can see, science in Portugal has a quite feminine touch... ;)

terça-feira, dezembro 20, 2005

Yes, you guessed right. These were the “pearls” of the 7th art that I had to endure during my flight to Lisbon. Not one, but two. Why, beats me, but it was quite painful...

sexta-feira, dezembro 16, 2005

Today's dinner: cod in the oven stuffed with cheese, apples and fries :):)

Plus, this is a landmark: we've reached the 100th post of Quichas!!! Hurray!!! :))
Many thanks to all the contributors ;):)

domingo, dezembro 11, 2005

Thank you all for coming to the dinner! :)
You can take a look at the pictures on:

sexta-feira, dezembro 09, 2005

It's winter. It's cold out. In fact, right this second, we are experiencing blizzard conditions here in the Boston area.

The goats need sweaters.

quinta-feira, dezembro 08, 2005

Wedge, this post is for you ;)

quarta-feira, dezembro 07, 2005

Someone has been having too much fun with the God Mic.

quinta-feira, dezembro 01, 2005

You’re probably thinking who the guy in the picture is... :) Well, as my last post was about an American holiday, I thought it was only fair this time to dedicate another one to a Portuguese holiday. And so, as tomorrow (December 1st) we celebrate the Restoration of Independence from Spain, it became the chosen one. As such, here goes a bit of history: Portugal was ruled by Spain during 60 years, after a succession crisis in 1580. By 1640, a revolution took place (as is our tradition, only one person was killed - the State Secretary), and John IV (the guy in the picture) was acclaimed king, and that initiated the 4th dynasty – the Bragança dynasty.