quinta-feira, setembro 22, 2005

As “Quichas E Afins” prouds to be an eclectic blog, reaching to all sorts of fields (which includes gastronomy, wild life protection, among others), today I decided to dedicate my post to religion. To contradict the ones that state that religion and its practice is some what old-fashioned and doesn’t keep up with modern times, I thought of introducing to you the “Olive Tree Bible Software Company” :):)

Yes, this company provides software to read, annotate and cross-reference the Bible for Palms, Pocket PCs, SmartPhones and other devices.

My suggestion is that they should now move to the Cabala; Madonna and her followers might appreciate that…

quarta-feira, setembro 21, 2005

Today at lunch time I heard for the first time about a group (strategy) game called “Mafia” (I’m really ignorant about these things, sorry). As two of my colleagues discussed intricate strategies about it, I decided not to stay in the dark anymore, and to know a little bit more about it. As such, I went to that bible of information that is Wikipedia. There I learned (tried to;)) about the many variants of the game, its rules, roles (The Godfather is nice!:)) and what I found more interesting: its origin. Mafia was created by Dimma Davidoff (or so he claims) at the Psychological Department of Moscow State University, in spring of 1986, and it spread from there. This might explain some things…. ;)

segunda-feira, setembro 19, 2005

On women careers... Enjoy ;):)

sexta-feira, setembro 16, 2005

Continuing our best efforts to support the protection of the Flying Martin, Quichas E Afins discloses today some more information on this species, available in The Purple Martin Conservation Association. In order to encourage some of our readers to entail a breeding program, Quichas E Afins selected the “Sex-specific Behaviour” section. Please support this effort.

“In addition to plumage differences, martins can also be sexed by their sex-specific behaviors. One of the easiest ways to tell all breeding-age males (both adult and subadult) from females, is by their song. Only male martins sing the extremely common song that ends with a rapidly clicking, "krieeek" sound, which they deliver with a conspicuous, thrown-open beak. Another common behavioral difference is that males commonly follow behind their mate as she flies to the ground for nest material, to the eggshell tray for calcium, or to trees for green leaf plucking. This is actually a form of "mate-guarding" and serves to assure that only he fertilizes his mate's eggs. And finally, males frequently chase and pounce on females to copulate with them.”

quarta-feira, setembro 14, 2005

Today I decided to share a proof of the long and special relationship that the Ferreira Moita family has to those remarkable animals called goats ;):). Enjoy.

quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2005

As one of our most dedicated collaborators was called to fulfil his jury duties, Quichas e Afins could not but be the first to know the verdict to this intricate case:

terça-feira, setembro 06, 2005

In spite of the many comparisons to worms and other tasty comments of the kind that I heard about this desert, I thought I should share its recipe. Enjoy.

Aletria Recipe

8 cups of milk ( 1/2 gallon)
6 eggs
1and 1/2 cups of sugar
1 tsp. of salt
1 tsp. of vanilla extract
1 ( 12oz) Pkg. of fine egg noodles

Pour milk into a large pan. Bring it to a boil, stirring constantly. Add 1/2 of the sugar and the salt to the milk. Beat the eggs then add the rest of the sugar and all the vanilla to the egg mixture. Slowly blend some heated milk into the eggs to make them thin enough to pour easily. Break the noodles up and add them to the boiling milk. Stir constantly until the noodles are cooked. Remove from the heat. Slowly add egg mixture into the cooked noodles mixture. Pour onto platters to cool. Sprinkle with cinnamon.